A Generational Shift

Millennials and Gen Z’s  — collectively known as the “Gens” — are taking control of global economies and changing investment and purchasing trends.

The Gens believe they are the last generation that can reverse climate change and build a more inclusive economy. And, they’re stepping into positions of power and have the capital, investing and purchasing power to force companies to lead with purpose and transparency.

(Re)Evolution of Capitalism

Business success can no longer be defined by just shareholder profits.

Social entrepreneurs and purpose-led companies are repurposing capitalism to drive solutions to the crises facing our planet and to engage a younger generation of consumers committed to the causes that will save their future.

Called Stakeholder Capitalism, this movement reflects the values of today’s society and balances purpose with profit for the benefit of all stakeholders, including investors, employees, suppliers, consumers, communities, and the planet.

Balancing Purpose & Profit

Companies truly committed to making a difference can do massive amounts of good. Even small investments have the power to change the world.

Global Citizens

The well-being of people in one society affects that of those in another, and it is incumbent on all of us as global citizens to optimize the well-being of all.

Health of the Planet

The planet is the center of the global economic system, and its health should be optimized in the decisions made by all other stakeholders.






The Planet

Leading with Purpose

We believe every business has the obligation to balance purpose with profit.

A purpose-led company engages all its stakeholders in shared and sustained value creation. In creating such value, a company serves not only its shareholders, but all its stakeholders.

Goal 17 builds partnerships that bring resources and talent together to support social entrepreneurs and purpose-led companies. Through our work, we inspire individuals, communities, and investors to support purpose-led companies and the products and services they provide.

The Good List

Consumers vote with their dollars. Supporting purpose-led companies is a vote for the planet.

The Good List is our directory of purpose-led companies and nonprofits whose leaders, products & services we support. We will build the list to include a diverse group of companies from startups to Fortune 500. 

Many of the leaders of these organizations have been interviewed on our podcast Lead With We. The podcast gives you a rare opportunity to hear how these innovators built their companies, learn how they developed the sustainable materials used in their products, and the strategies that these companies and nonprofits are using to benefit communities around the world.